1819 - 1890: Our Humble Beginnings

6 February 1819
William Farquhar is appointed as 1st Resident of Singapore

For more information, please view here and here.

By unknown [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

June 1819
Naraina Pillai, the first Indian to set foot in Singapore

For more information, please view here.

By unknown [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Tan Tock Seng arrives in Singapore

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By Tan Tock Seng Hospital via [TTSH Website]

Late 1819
Munshi Abdullah arrives in Singapore

For more information, please view here.

By National Library Singapore via [Mothership]

The first teochews in Singapore

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By John Edmund Taylor [CC BY 4.0] via Wikimedia Commons

Beginning of Kampong Glam

For more information, please view here, here, and here.

Courtesy of Singapore Tourism Board, [ visitsingapore.com]

9 June 1823
John Crawfurd is appointed as 2nd Resident of Singapore

For more information, please view here.

By unknown [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

17 March 1824
Signing of the Anglo-Dutch Treaty in London

For more information, please view here.

Courtesy of National Archives of Singapore [Bicentennial Website]

2 August 1824
Signing of the Treaty of Friendship and Alliance between the EIC and the Johore Sultanate

For more information, please view here.

By The National Archives (United Kingdom) [Public domain] via [Wikimedia Commons]

Whampoa Hoo Ah Kay arrives in Singapore

For more information, please view here.

By unknown [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

1 Apr 1867
Singapore became a crown colony directly under the Colonial Office in London

For more information, please view here.

By BaronVonchesto. (Own work.) [CC BY-SA 3.0, GFDL or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

17 Nov 1869
Opening of Suez Canel

For more information, please view here.

By Royal Air Force [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

11 Jun 1877
Rubber came to Singapore

For more information, please view here.

By uncredited [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

1890 – 1920: Contributions of Pioneer Migrants

Lim Boon Keng becomes a legislative councillor

For more information, please view here.

Photo by Lee Brothers Studio Collection, Courtesy of National Archives of Singapore [via NAS Website]

Singapore Chinese Girls’ School founded. First Chinese girls’ school in Singapore

For more information, please view here.

By Singapore Chinese Girls’ School [via SCGS Website]

Sun Yat Sen’s first of nine visits to Singapore

For more information, please view here.

By Militaryace [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Spotlight on Eurasian community

For more information, please view here.

Photo by Lee Brothers Studio Collection, Courtesy of National Archives of Singapore [via NAS Website]

P. Govindasamy Pillai arrives in Singapore

For more information, please view here.

Photo by National Archives of Singapore via [roots.sg]

Mohammed Eunos becomes editor of Utusan Malayu

For more information, please view here.

Photo Courtesy of National Archives of Singapore [via Singapore Memory Project Website]

Contribution of Indian community

For more information, please view here.

This digital copy (c) National Library Board Singapore 2008. The original work (c) Heng Ngian Phuan [via NLB Website]

1921 – 1941: Under the British Flag

Singapore Traction Company, the first public motor-transport form, set up

For more information, please view here.

This digital copy © National Library Board Singapore 2008. The original work © Tay Phuay Hwee. [via NLB Website]

Formation of Kesatuan Melayu Singapora

For more information, please view here.

Photo Courtesy of National Archives of Singapore [via Singapore Memory Project Website]

Singapore General Hospital opened

For more information, please view here.

By Singapore General Hospital [via SGH Website]

First municipal power station opened at St. James

For more information, please view here.

All rights reserved. Preservation of Monuments Board Singapore 2010 [via NLB Website]

Singapore Improvement Trust set up

For more information, please view here.

All Rights Reserved. National Library Board Singapore 2007. [via NLB Website]

Kreta Ayer Incident

For more information, please view here.

By User:Zscout370 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Opening of Raffles College

For more information, please view here.

From the Lee Kip Lin Collection. All rights reserved. Lee Kip Lin and National Library Board, Singapore 2009. [via NLB Website]

Formation of Overseas Chinese Banking Corporation (OCBC)

For more information, please view here.

From the Kouo Shang-Wei Collection 郭尚慰收集. All rights reserved, Family of Kouo Shang-Wei and National Library Board Singapore 2007 [via NLB Website]

Opening of Kallang Civil Airport

For more information, please view here.

From the Little Red Dot Collection. All rights reserved. National Library Board, 2011 [via NLB Website]

1941 – 1945: When Singapore was Syonan-To

8 Dec 1941
Japanese landings in Southern Thailand and Northern Malaya

For more information, please view here and here.

Additional video information, please view here.

By Underwood & Underwood [Public domain], [via Wikimedia Commons]

8 Feb 1942
Battle of Singapore starts

For more information, please view here.

Additional video information, please view here.

By Unknown [Public domain], [via Wikimedia Commons]

15 Feb 1942
Fall of Singapore

For video information, please view here.

[Public domain], [via Australian War Memorial Website]

21 Feb to 4 Mar 1942
Sook Ching Massacre

For more information, please view here.

Additional video information, please view here.

Tham Sien Yen Collection from The Nanyang Miscellany, courtesy of National Archives of Singapore, [via NAS website]

1942 to 1945
Syonan-To Era

For video information, please view here.

1945 – 1955: The Tumultuous Post-War Years

12 Sep 1945
Japanese Surrender

For more information, please view here.

Additional video information, please view here.

By Ashley (Fl Off), Royal Air Force Official Photographer [Public domain], [via Wikimedia Commons]

Sep 1945
British Military Administration (BMA) set up

For more information, please view here.

By No 9 Army Film & Photographic Unit. Taylor E A (Captain) [Public domain], [via Wikimedia Commons]

1 Feb 1948
Federation of Malaya inaugurated, Singapore remained separate

For more information, please view here.

By The National Archives UK [No restrictions], [via Wikimedia Commons]

1 Mar 1948
First General Elections held in Singapore with 6 legislative council seats up for elections

For more information, please view here.

All Rights Reserved. National Library Board Singapore, [via NLB Website]

24 Jun 1948
Emergency is declared!

For more information, please view here.

Additional video information, please view here.

Image Courtesy of National Library Board Singapore, [via NLB Website]

Rendel Commission

For more information, please view here.

Additional video information, please view here.

11 Dec 1953
Enactment of the Central Provident Fund Ordinance

For more information, please view here.

By CPF Singapore, [via CPF Website]

1955 – 1965: Road to Merdeka

Apr 1955
General Elections David Marshall as First Chief Minister of Singapore

For more information, please view here.

Additional video information, please view here.

Ministry of Information and the Arts Collection, [via National Archives of Singapore]

13 May 1954
Anti-National Service Riots

For more information, please view here.

Courtesy of National Heritage Board, Singapore, [via Roots Website]

12 May 1955
Hock Lee Bus Riots

For more information, please view here.

Additional video information, please view here.

Courtesy of National Archives of Singapore, [via Roots Website]

23 Apr 1956
The 1st Merdeka Talks

For more information, please view here.

All Rights Reserved, National Library Board, Singapore, [via NLB Website]

8 Jun 1956
Lim Yew Hock beomes the 2nd Chief Minister of Singapore

For more information, please view here.

All Rights Reserved. National Library Board Singapore, [via NLB Website]

10 Oct 1956
Protests by Chinese Middle School Students

For more information, please view here.

Additional video information, please view here.

National Archives, United Kingdom, [via Roots Website]

11 Mar 1957
2nd Merdeka Talks

For more information, please view here.

Additional video information, please view here.

13 May 1958
3rd Merdeka Talks

For more information, please view here.

National Archives of Singapore, [via NAS Website]

30 May 1959
Legislative Assembly General Elections

For more information, please view here and here.

Additional video information, please view here.

People's Action Party (PAP), [via PAPWebsite]

5 Jun 1959
The first Cabinet is sworn in, Lee Kuan Yew becomes 1st Prime Minister of Singapore

For more information, please view here.

National Library Board Singapore, [via NLB Website]

3 Dec 1959
Yusok Ishak is sworn in as Yang Di-Pertuan Negara (head of state)

For more information, please view here.

Courtesy of President's Office, [The Istana]

1 Feb 1960
Establishment of Housing and Development Board (HDB)

For more information, please view here.

Additional video information, please view here.

Courtesy of Housing & Development Board Singapore, [via HDB Website]

Creation of Jurong Industrial Estate

For more information, please view here.

Courtesy of JTC Corporation, [via JTC Website]

1 Sep 1962
Referendum on Merger with Malaysia

For more information, please view here.

Additional video information, please view video 1, video 2, video 3 and video 4.

Courtesy of National Archives of Singapore, [via Roots Website]

16 Sep 1963
Merger with Malaya to form Malaysia

For more information, please view here.

21 Jul 1964
Communal Riots

Additional video information, please view here and here.

9 Aug 1965
Separation – Singapore Independence

For more information, please view here and here.

Additional video information, please view video 1, video 2 and video 3.

Courtesy of National Library Board Singapore, [via NLB Website]

1965 – 1990: Building a New Nation

21 Sept 1965
Singapore is admitted into the UN as the 117th member

For more information, please view here.

By Anonymous [Public Domain], via Wikimedia Commons

22 Dec 1965
Constitutional Amendment Act passed and Yusof bin Ishak becomes the first President of Singapore

For more information, please view here.

Additional video information, please view here.

Courtesy of National Archives of Singapore, [NAS Singapore]

14 Mar 1967
National Service Bill passed

For more information, please view here.

Additional video information, please view here and here .

By Singapore Armed Forces, via Wikimedia Commons

12 Jun 1967
Issue of the first Singapore Dollar

For more information, please view here.

Photo by Monetary Authority of Singapore, [MAS Singapore]

8 Aug 1967
Singapore is a founding member of ASEAN

For more information, please view here.

By Amalthea, via Wikimedia Commons

Jan 1968
Britain announces its intention to withdraw its armed forces from Singapore

For more information, please view here.

Photo from SINGAPORE, An Illustrated History 1941-1984, Ministry of Culture, via goodmorningyesterday.blogspot.sg

31 May 1969
Race Riots

For more information, please view here.

Photo by Internal Security Department Singapore, [MHA Singapore]

31 Oct 1971
British military forces withdraws from Singapore

For more information, please view here.

Additional video information, please view here and here .

2 Jan 1972
Dr Benjamin Henry Sheares becomes the 2nd President of Singapore

For more information, please view here.

Courtesy of President's Office, [The Istana]

Singapore Airlines is formed

Video information, please view here and here .

By Chamath456, via Wikimedia Commons

2 Sep 1972
PAP wins the 1972 GE

For more information, please view here.

Presidential Council for Minority Rights set up

For more information, please view here.

By TteckK[Public Domain], via Wikimedia Commons

31 Jan 1974
Laju Terror Incident

For more information, please view here and here.

Additional video information, please view here.

23 Dec 1976
PAP wins all 69 seats in the 1976 GE

For more information, please view here.

23 Dec 1980
PAP wins all 75 seats in the 1980 GE

For more information, please view here.

1 Jul 1981
Singapore Changi Airport starts operation

For more information, please view here.

Photo from National Library Board, [HistorySG]

24 Oct 1981
C V Devan Nair becomes 3rd President of Singapore

For more information, please view here.

Courtesy of President's Office, [The Istana]

2 Sep 1985
Dr Wee Kim Wee becomes the 4th President of Singapore

For more information, please view here.

Courtesy of President's Office, [The Istana]

15 Mar 1986
Hotel New World collapses

For more information, please view here.

Courtesy of the former Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts, [NHB]

6 Jul 1990
The East West Line of the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) is completed

For more information, please view here.

Additional video information, please view here.

By SMRT Corporation, [SMRT Website]

22 Nov 1990
28 Nov 1990
Goh Chok Tong becomes the 2nd Prime Minister of Singapore

Video information, please view here.

By Arcimboldo [Public Domain], via Wikimedia Commons

1990 – 2004: Forging Ahead into the Millennium

26 – 27 Mar 1991
Hijack of SQ 117

For more information, please view here.

Konstantin von Wedelstaedt, [via Wikimedia Commons]

31 Aug 1991
PAP wins 1991 GE

For more information, please view here.

1 Sep 1993
Ong Teng Cheong becomes the 5th President of Singapore, 1st Elected President

For more information, please view here.

Additional video information, please view here.

Courtesy of President's Office, [The Istana]

2 Jan 1997
PAP wins 1997 GE

For more information, please view here.

Jul 1997
Asian Financial Crisis

For more information, please view here.

Additional video information, please view here.

Sellapan Rama Nathan becomes the 6th President of Singapore

For more information, please view here.

Courtesy of President's Office, [The Istana]

Economic Recession in Singapore

For more information, please view here and here.

3 Nov 2001
PAP wins 2001 GE

For more information, please view here.

Dec 2001
15 suspected militants of Jemaah Islamiyah are arrested for alleged bomb plot

For more information, please view here.

Additional video information, please view here.

Apr 2003
SARS virus outbreak in Singapore

For more information, please view here.

6 May 2003
29 Oct 2003
A major research centre Biopolis opens

For more information, please view here.

Courtesy of Agency for Science, Technology and Research, [via A*STAR Website]

National Service reduced from 2.5 to 2 years

For more information, please view here.

By Singapore Armed Forces, [via Wikimedia Commons]

20 Apr 2004
A section of Nicoll Highway collapses

For more information, please view here.

Courtesy of National Library Board Singapore, [NLB]

12 Aug 2004
Lee Hsien Loong becomes 3rd Prime Minister of Singapore

For video information, please view here and here.

Courtesy of Prime Minister's Office, [PMO]

2004 – Present Day: Singapore, Endearing Home

18 Apr 2005
6 May 2006
PAP wins 2006 GE

For more information, please view here.

9 Jan 2008
Sep 2008
1 Sep 2011
Dr Tan Keng Yam Tony sworn in as 7th President of Singapore

For more information, please view here.

Courtesy of President's Office, [The Istana]

24 Jun 2013
Haze in Singapore reaches 401 PSI, worst in Singapore History

For more information, please view here and here.

Additional video information, please view here.

Courtesy of rsis.edu.sg, [remembersingapore.org]

1 August 2014
Launch of Pioneer Generation package

For more information, please view here.

Picture courtesy of Government of Singapore via [pioneers.sg]

23 Mar 2015
Lee Kuan Yew passes away. Singapore enters a one-week mourning period

For more information, please view here.

Additional video information, please view here.

By Smk 84 [CC BY 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

9 Aug 2015
Singapore’s Golden Jubilee

For more information, please view here.

Additional video information, please view here.

Courtesy of PIRR Creatives, [pirrcreatives.com]

Aug 2016
Joseph Schooling is Singapore’s first Olympic Champion

For more information, please view here.

Photo by Ian Jones, International Olympic Committee, [olympic.org]

22 Aug 2016
S R Nathan passes away. Singapore enters a one-week mourning period

For more information, please view here.

Additional video information, please view here.

By Smk 84 [CC BY 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

8 Aug 2017
Future Economy Council holds first meeting with Mr Heng Swee Keat as chair

For more information, please view here.

Picture courtesy of Prime Minister's Office Singapore via [Prime Minister's Office Website]

12 June 2018
Kim – Trump Summit

For more information, please view here.

Photo by Dan Scavino Jr. [Public Domain] via [Wikimedia Commons]

19 August 2018
Announcement of Merdeka Generation package

For more information, please view here.

Photo by Prime Minister's Office via [Mothership]

23 Nov 2018
The 4th Generation of leaders emerges

For more information, please view here.

Image by People's Action Party via [channelnewsasia.com]

20 Dec 2018
United Nations passes resolution for new treaty on mediation named after Singapore

For more information, please view here.

By Anonymous [Public Domain], via Wikimedia Commons


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