The SG75 Working Committee comprises volunteers from all walks of life, headed by Dr Jenson Goh.

The committee members are:

2019 jenson edit

Dr Jenson Goh
Chief Executive Officer, 

1 profho edit Prof Ho Yew Kee
Associate Provost (SkillsFuture), Cluster Director (Designed and Specialised Businesses), 
Singapore Institute of Technology 
2 drtan edit Dr Tan Tin Wee
Chief Executive, National Supercomputing Centre (NSCC) and 
Associate Professor, National University of Singapore (NUS) 
Mr Lee edit Mr Lee Shee Koeng
Chief Operating Officer, 
DP Architects Pte Ltd
Woodworth edit Ms Michelle Woodworth
Quahe Woo & Palmer LLC
2019 lynette edit Ms Lynette Tan
Chief Executive, 
Singapore Space and Technology Ltd 
2019 tanseeleng edit Ms Tan See Leng
Executive Director, 
Heartware Network
GlenOngedit Mr Glen Ong
Executive Director, 
The Girls' Brigade Singapore  
Goodenough edit Ms Gail Goodenough
Course Director, Digital Film & Television,
Temasek Polytechnic
NgKokCheong WebCommittee Mr Ng Kok Cheong
Managing Director
Kitesense Private Limited
DesmondWangedit Mr Desmond Wang
Co-Founder and Executive Director, JMD Group of Companies and 
Director, Every Little Helps Foundation Ltd
JamesChenedit Mr James Chen
Co-Founder and Executive Director, 
Every Little Helps Foundation Ltd
KevinWongedit Mr Kevin Wong
Every Little Helps Foundation Ltd
temp Mr Kenny Chua
Director (Strategic Plans), 
DSO National Laboratories
AdeleTanEdit Ms Adele Tan
Group Director, Strategic Planning, 
Urban Redevelopment Authority
temp Ms Chelsea Zheng
Executive Architect, 
Urban Redevelopment Authority
temp Mr Cheok Zhi Ning
Executive Planner, 
Urban Redevelopment Authority
KaiYuanNgEdit Mr Ng Kai Yuan
Our Grandfather Story
WilsonEdit Mr Wilson Tan
Chief Executive Officer, 
Corporate Alliance for Good Ltd
temp Ms Tay Siow Chen
Manager, Community Partnerships, 
Singapore Pools
temp Mr Dylan Khoo
Student and Member, 
The Boys' Brigade Singapore
temp Mr Kennard Tay
Student and Member, 
The Boys' Brigade Singapore

Ms Grace TongYu


Mr Zheng Kai Jie
People's Association

temp Ms Junior Tay 
People's Association





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