Why SG75


In 2017, a group of like-minded professionals, youth and community volunteers came together with a vision of creating a national level ideation and translation platform to engage and challenge the members of public to dream about what our collective Singapore future would be like in SG75 (2040).


The idea was inspired by discussions with Minister Indranee Rajah on how we can ensure that the enterprising and creative spirit of our Founding Fathers is inculcated in Singaporeans.


Our Founding Fathers faced unprecedented challenges in governing Singapore from the word “go” in 1965 and they transformed Singapore into a city in a garden since.


They overcame significant, almost impossible hurdles and existential challenges. However, their foresight, discipline and ‘can do’ spirit triumphed.


Concerned that Singaporeans of today may lack this ‘fire in the belly’ as we enjoy the current good life and leave the thinking, visioning and dreaming of tomorrow’s Singapore to a handful of decision makers – this ground-up movement mobilises the masses to dream of a Singapore in SG75 (2040).


SG75 was chosen because it is far enough for us to envision and to make good plans - yet near enough for us to see these plans take shape.


Much as Singapore has progressed over the years, some of the existential challenges continue to exert their impact on us. For example, land use, technology, water security, food security, climate change and the whole host of new and old challenges.


If these challenges are not duly addressed, Singapore’s sustainability and existence can be threatened.


Forward-looking and visionary will be what history will characterize the Founding Fathers of modern Singapore led by the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew.


Every generation will have to define what they stand for and build the legacy for those who come after them.


Every generation will also need to be constantly embellished by the pioneering spirit and tenacity of our Founding Fathers.


Let’s constantly be encouraged by the pioneering spirit and tenacity of our Founding Fathers!




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